To keep you cozy on a cold winter day, make at home,
or as we prefer over a warm campfire.
Ingredients + Instructions
1 - Bottle of Red Wine, No need to splurge, box wine is perfect
1 - Orange and/or Lemon Sliced, for simmer and garnish
1/4 cup - Honey, or Maple Syrup to taste
- 2 - Cinnamon Sticks
- 6 - Whole Cloves
- Optional: 1/2 cup - Brandy or Orange Liqueur
- Optional: A few - Cardamon Pods
Instructions: Combine all ingredients and give them a stir. Heat until the wine almost reaches a simmer. Reduce heat to low, and simmer for 15 minutes. Wine can stay on the stove for up to 3 hours, perfect for a campfire get together and a cozy, ready when you need it, delicious drink for guests.
Serve in heat-proof mugs. Enjoy with friends and family.
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